A 31 Days Of Horror CONFESSION

A 31 Days Of Horror CONFESSION

As All Hallows Eve approaches, something mingles with the stench of your sin throughout the Outpost. It is the smell of fear. Fear, and that shawarma kebab from Abdul’s that Stark had last night after drinking his own bodyweight in gin. It permeates the Outpost....
The CONFESSION BOOTH Judges Your Commitment

The CONFESSION BOOTH Judges Your Commitment

Let no man who hath torn his underpants asunder live without sin, for what is man without sin, and underpants? Certainly not an Outposter, for the veritable stench of your sin clings forever to our internet home, like a teenage boy’s bedroom after his parents...
CONFESS Your Lost Love

CONFESS Your Lost Love

My wayward flock, the levels of sin around here are abnormally high, even for you. I am positively giddy at the foul stench of your sinning. Either that, or somebody has let an unwell animal into the church and it is doing its dirty business everywhere. I...
CONFESS Your Lost Love

CONFESSION: Your Unpopular Movie Opinions

My flock… the dark times were sent to test us. When our place of worship was brung low by famine, pestilence, war, death, and mySQL, it seemed as if our church would shatter. But your faith was stronger than the eternal evil could ever have guessed. Your faith...